Dear Valued Customer:

  • We have recently undergone a complete transformation of our meat processing facility.
    • These changes allow us to operate under federal (USDA) guidelines.
    • This means we are offering USDA meat harvesting.
  • We are now able to provide USDA inspected meats--for our Wholesale or Retail buyers. 
  • We are very proud of how far we have come in the 13 years that we have owned the business, and are extremely excited to see what opportunities the future holds.
  • We encourage you to contact us as soon as possible to schedule your animals.
  • We anticipate our schedule filling up quickly.
  • We continue to provide Custom meat harvesting services.

We sincerely thank you for your continued support and,

    --We look forward to working with you in the near future.

Best wishes and we hope to hear from you soon!

Ian Mumbulo, owner


Reed Brook Meats--

USDA Certified Provider for Beef, Pork, Sheep, Lamb, and others

  • Facility Construction ongoing.
  • Currently in production.
  • For Certified USDA Inspected meats, Please call and make an appointment. USDA scheduling.


New business growth for Waverly’s Reed Brook Custom Meat Processing

Reed Brook Meat Processing, located at 1385 Ellis Creek Rd., Tioga County Rt 9, in Waverly, N.Y. is 5.3 miles from Rte. 17C and a quick drive from the Nichols exit off Rte. 17/86. Reed Brook is one of many processors that partner with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier’s “Venison Donation Program.”

Reed Brook Custom Meat Processing is expanding its operations. The facility, which sits alongside Reed Brook Creek and near the North Barton Grange building, recently underwent a major remodeling and is gearing up for a new level of business growth.

Reed Brook owner Ian Mumbulo, who assumed ownership in 2003, has tripled its workspace since acquiring the property. Mumbulo has also grown the business by adding and upgrading its own smokehouse along with additional walk-in coolers and freezers. New pieces of highly automated equipment have been delivered and installed.

“It will allow us to produce the same kind of products, and provide consistent product quality,” Mumbulo explained.

Reed Brook Custom Meat Processing harvests deer, cows, beef, pork, lamb, sheep and others. In addition, Reed Brook offers more than 25 choices of smoked specialties. Mumbulo is operating under compliance with USDA regulations. The growth in business will also open up opportunities for new job creation, although the number is unknown at this time.

New York State opening day for bow is early October and gun deer season is the third Saturday in November. Mumbulo shared, “We work to keep the customer’s needs in consideration. We discuss and plan for what they want to do.”

Reed Brook is one of many processors that partner with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier’s “Venison Donation Program.” At no cost to the hunter, Reed Brook processes legally tagged and properly field-dressed deer. Next, we process and package it according to laws and regulations. The finished product is picked up by the Food Bank and distributed to local neighbors and institutions in need.  According to the Food Bank of the Southern Tier’s website, “If one of every 100 deer is donated, the program could easily reach 100,000 pounds of venison to feed the hungry.”

  • Mumbulo commented, “We’ve been participating in the Food Bank program since 2003.”
  • Mumbulo, who also refers to the program as the “Hunter for the Hungry Program,” shared, “It’s a way for us to give back to the community.”

Reed Brook Meat Processing, located at 1385 Ellis Creek Rd. in Waverly, N.Y.  custom cuts meat for you. The facility recently underwent a major remodeling and is gearing up for a new level of business growth.  (Photos by JoAnn R. Walter)

Ian Mumbulo, owner of Reed Brook Meat Processing, located at 1385 Ellis Creek Rd. in Waverly, N.Y. stands in one of his newly renovated rooms, which includes an upgraded smokehouse and additional walk-in coolers and freezers.

Mumbulo thanks his loyal customers and invites new customers to see what Reed Brook has to offer.

  • Mumbulo’s employees, his father, David, wife Jocelyn and three sons all play a part in the success of the business as well.

For more information, call (607) 565-9630, Text (607) 221-1186, or eMail

Customer business hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Please call to arrange a time to meet outside of these hours
Updated: Aug 2018